Yanan Qiao (Georgia)

Yanan Qiao (Georgia)
Head of Asia Pacific Tax and Accounting

M.Acc (Melbourne) B.Eco (Acc) (Beijing), CPA
(03) 9098 4209

Georgia, also known as Yanan, is a highly experienced accounting professional with over two decades experience in finance and accounting. Her journey from Beijing to Australia showcases her commitment to excellence and financial analysis. She holds a Master’s in Professional Accounting from Monash University and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Georgia’s career spans pivotal roles in commercial listed companies in Australia and China, giving her a unique cross-cultural perspective and expertise in navigating financial regulations. Having also successfully managed her own accounting practice specializing in Australia-China cross-border financial operations.

Georgia recently joined DFK Benjamin King Money as Head of Asia Pacific tax and Accounting, leveraging her deep knowledge of Australian and Chinese financial frameworks to the firm. Georgia’s dedication to professional growth and staying ahead of industry trends is evident, making her an inspiration to emerging accounting professionals. Her legacy as a cross-border management accounting expert continues to thrive at DFK Benjamin King Money.

A member firm of DFK International a worldwide association of independent accounting firms and business advisers.


L/4, 689 Burke Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124
PO Box 1163, Camberwell, VIC 3124
Email: reception@dfkbkm.com.au
Telephone: 03 9804 0411
Facsimile: 03 9804 0422

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